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Superblocks for Healthcare

Develop compliant Healthcare tools to streamline operations for payers, providers, & patients.

Manage Healthcare data faster with custom tools

  • Improve clinical operations

    Allocate personnel and resources, and track overall quality and safety using custom tools that optimize operational efficiency.

  • Onboard and manage providers

    Manage provider data, schedule intake calls, and process payments all from a consolidated provider management application.

  • Enhance laboratory efficiency

    Streamline inventory management, sample tracking, and quality control using custom internal tools while keeping sensitive data safe.

  • Build tools healthcare workers love

    Retain the best talent to provide excellent care by providing your employees with beautiful tools that are fast and easy to use.

Streamline Healthcare operations with Superblocks

  • Healthcare Payers

    Healthcare partners enabling access to excellent care solutions.

    • Automations for Invoicing, Billing, and Claims Management

    • Provider Management Application

    • Customer Support Dashboard

    • Compliance Tracking Application

  • Healthcare Providers

    Delivering quality care with expertise and empathy for healthier lives.

    • Care Delivery Dashboard

    • Revenue Cycle Management

    • Practice Management Application

    • Treatment Plans Dashboard

    • Telemedicine Scheduling Automation

  • Healthcare Laboratories

    Where precision meets compassion to elevate modern Healthcare.

    • Inventory Management Application

    • Chain of Custody Dashboard

    • Regulatory Compliance Dashboard

    • Scheduling Equipment Maintenance

    • Sample Processing Automation

Steve Kania
SVP of Product at Casechek

With Superblocks, we were able to quickly build business critical tools for our frontline Customer Success and Implementation teams to support and onboard hospitals 70% faster than before.

Trusted by the best in every industry

Luke Bogus
Head of Product at Vial

Traditionally, setting up per-study instances of trials can take CROs 12+ weeks. By combining our in-house technology with internal tooling powered by Superblocks, we’re able to bring that down to less than 4 weeks.

Why Developers in Healthcare love Superblocks

  • All-in-one tooling platform

    Superblocks is the only internal tooling platform that allows Healthcare companies to build any tool.

  • Keep your Healthcare data secure

    Build compliant tools leveraging the light-weight On-Premise Agent in Superblocks.

  • Manage Users and Roles

    Maintaining Healthcare regulatory compliance using Permissions, Audit Logs, and Single Sign-On.

  • Training and Onboarding

    Onboard your internal teams quickly with regular Developer Support and Enterprise Training.

Get started with Superblocks for Healthcare

Book a demo with a Healthcare expert

Our team is available to answer questions and craft a custom demo showcasing how Superblocks can fit your needs.

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Get started now to see how quick and easy it is to build with Superblocks. Plus, you'll have access to our team via chat.

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