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Superblocks for Financial Services

Create custom internal tools to manage risk, reduce fraud, disburse and manage payments all while staying compliant, accurate, and timely.

Manage Financial Operations with Superblocks

  • Accelerate Customer Onboarding

    Build tools for KYC consolidation and identity verification. Leverage Superblocks’ infinitely extensible platform to quickly build and manage multi-party approval workflows.

  • Streamline Sensitive Financial Ops

    Financial and accounting operation teams need access to everything in one place. Consolidate files, data, and tools all into a single app for fraud management, customer onboarding, and more.

  • Detect & Remediate Fraud in Real-time

    Build low latency and highly scalable fraud detection mechanisms. Leverage Superblocks’ high concurrency and real-time streaming integrations to flag problematic transactions.

  • Secure and Protect Customers

    Meet all compliance and regulatory requirements. Build tools with robust access controls within your VPN/VPC. Leverage Superblocks’ modern intrusion detection and prevention architecture.

Streamline Financial Services operations with Superblocks

  • Loans and Underwriting

    Offer bespoke capital solutions to consumers or corporate entities

    • Deploy advanced automated mechanisms for streamlined repayment management.

    • Provide robust applicant processing tools with KYC and third-party data.

    • Employ precise analytics to monitor and evaluate loan performance.

  • Card Issuing and Banking

    Service financial products for both consumers and businesses

    • Create automations to detect and manage potential fraudulent activity and meet AML compliance

    • Equip customer support teams with powerful tooling, ensuring prompt and effective resolution of issues.

    • Create Customer 360 of customer lifecycle across financial products

  • Private Equity and Venture Capital

    Provide liquidity and or a marketplace for equity and portfolio management

    • Manage accounts and portfolios

    • Empower traders to execute orders on behalf of their clients

    • Automate asset disbursement

    • Create rich end-user dashboards

Eddie Tse
CTO at Gateway Private Markets

Introducing Superblocks has opened the pathway for Sales and Marketing to access and update data that was previously locked in our backend, enabling self-service without consuming data support cycles.

Why Financial Services CTOs choose Superblocks

Rishub Kumar
Engineering Manager at Alchemy

Superblocks has saved us 100s of engineering hours on internal tools and reduced support ticket resolution time by over 50%.

Why Fintech developers love Superblocks

  • All-in-one tooling platform

    Superblocks is the only platform that allows Financial Services companies to build any tool.

  • Keep your data secure

    Build compliant tools leveraging the lightweight On-Premise Agent in Superblocks.

  • Manage users and roles

    Maintaining corporate and regulatory compliance using Permissions, Audit Logs, and Single Sign-On.

  • Training and onboarding

    Onboard your internal teams quickly with regular Developer Support and Enterprise Training.

Get started with Superblocks for Financial Services

Book a demo with a Fintech expert

Our team is available to answer questions and craft a custom demo showcasing how Superblocks can fit your needs.

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